So here it is again, another BPW! We’ve been extremely busy over here at RRHQ, so I thought that I’d open this post with a quick update, seeing as things are coming up fast!
On the Retina front, the guys and I are hard at work writing and devising for our brand new TIE show about revising for your exams and I am proud to announce that we have finally decided on a title: Don’t Mock It Up (Punny, I know). Besides that we have multiple events and festivals coming up including: Edinburgh Fringe; our appearance as T3G and the Wrinkly at Horndon Feast and Fayre; our performance of ‘Timon’ at the RSC’s Shakespeare Festival, plus a performing a whole load of Commedia Dell’Arte in between! Plus of course, on top of all of that, we have each of our day jobs (that’s right, we each have mulitiple day jobs). So we are SWAMPED. But that’s what I wanted to talk about for today’s post.
I was talking to a pair of ladies at work recently about what I’m doing with my life now that I’ve graduated (A daunting task for any graduate). I explained to her all of the above and the extras about my day jobs… and you know what? She was amazed! Not because I was doing so much, but rather despite all of that, I hadn’t given up?
I was confused.
I explained to her that creating and performing is my passion, it’s what I want to do with my life and it makes me happy. So of course I’m not going to give up! Yes, it’s incredibly stressful, and yes we make ourselves ill by working so much, but not once has the thought of giving up ever reared it’s head.
I love art. And I am lucky enough to be working along side my dearest and best friends, doing what we love and loving what we do.
My point is this: Anything worth having is worth fighting for. So don’t give up. Work for it.
Keep it clean. Keep it comic.