Hey guys! Once again blog post Wednseday is here and once again it’s about our trip to Edinburgh. Well, I suppose less about the trip itself and more about being at home.
For those of you that dont know (as if we haven’t gone on about it enough), we recently returned from our first ever trip to the Fringe, and boy was it stressful. The organisation, the planning, the packed schedule, THE WALKING! It was very, very stressful. but as Tom wrote on our last BPW, it was VITAL. And do you know what? We miss it.
We miss sprinting up the Royal Mile to make it from one show to the next. We miss bumping into people and artists we know, and even more we didn’t. We miss all of the rejection we faced from handing out flyers!… Ok maybe not that last one so much, but out get what I’m trying to say.
For artists and performers alike, leaving the fringe and going home can be devastating. It means returning to the everyday routine. It means working in shops and waiting tables. sleep walking from weekend to weekend. But that doesn’t mean the art stops there. Just because the Fringe is over, doesn’t mean that all creativity in the world stops!
Start a new project! Enjoy the process! Because we all love the applause at the end of the show, but that is only 10% of it. You have to enjoy the rehearsals, be excited by the planning and be thrilled by the applications!.. Or at least try.
For now, we are so excited to be planning our new project and with any luck, we’ll get to see Edinburgh again next year.
Until then, check out our YouTube videos and see us on the road to Edinburgh HERE
Keep it clean. Keep it comic.