This is the first post we have uploaded to our website and it has been difficult to decide exactly what to write about. It could be our views on current situations within the arts or indeed opinions when it comes to the blatant disregard for the arts in schools by the government (although that will not be in this entry because you’d be here forever). It could just be for regular updates on projects in the works and experiences during performance runs.
As this is the beginning of our blog posts it seems fitting though that the subject is also about a beginning. The beginning of our latest performance venture that is. Some of you may have seen our adaptation of Timon of Athens (Shakespeare’s most least talked about play) whether that be a festivals or fundraisers we have performed at over the last year. We absolutely loved working on the show and are extremely proud of the end product however there is a limit to how far out we can get the show.
Schools are an area that we have been involved with since setting up the company and are passionate about educating young people through theatre. Timon of Athens isn’t on the curriculum (at secondary school level) and therefore would not be suitable to take into an establishment and benefit students. We have in this case decided to take the template from Timon of Athens and apply it to a show we have all heard of, one that is on the curriculum, one that will not just benefit Drama students but English students as well. That play is MacBeth.
Yes we have chosen the Scottish Play as our next adventure. The show will run for approximately an hour (it has been difficult to cut the script, Shakespeare has written some pure gold in this play) and will fit into a box not too dissimilar to the Timon of Athens box (it’s the same box). Our Commedia Dell’arte inspired style of performance also makes a return, with distinct characteristics for every role helping define your MacDuffs from your Banquos (there are only three of us). Rehearsals started back at the end of January so we are well underway and can’t wait to get it on the road! We hope you are as excited as we are.
Keep it clean, keep it comic.